Terms and Conditions

Best Advice

Advice is given in good faith and it is always your decision to accept guidance on whether to keep or dispose of specific possessions. Organised by Sarah cannot accept responsibility for the consequences of such decisions. From time to time, I may handle items which have a potentially high market value. While I will always endeavour to identify such items amongst your possessions, you acknowledge that I am not a valuer, nor do I have the expertise to identify items of special value or rarity, nor am I qualified to advise on valuation matters for insurance purposes.

Confidentiality and Privacy

Organised by Sarah is a professional service. I will never divulge client information to third parties, nor any personal and/or business details that I may be privy to through my work with you. As a member of the ICO (Information Commissioner’s Office), I am aware of relevant privacy regulations; therefore all detail and information regarding the client’s personal and business life and possessions will be kept entirely confidential.

The only way in which your situation may be mentioned to others is in the context of my own services, where it will be entirely depersonalised and unidentifiable (e.g. “a client in Cambridgeshire”). It is helpful to be able to give examples to other clients of how particular situations can be addressed. For example: how long it took to deal with a room of a specific size, the furniture used for storage, and the solutions we found while working together. Similarly, testimonials are welcomed for use on the website and/or social media, as they can help others to make a more informed decision about whether Organised by Sarah might be the right choice for them. Please note that these will only be used with your permission, and personal details will not appear.


I hold full Professional Indemnity and Public Liability Insurance cover for my services. While I will always handle your possessions with great care and consideration, accidents may happen. I shall not be liable for damage or losses and ask that you have appropriate and current insurance policies that compensate you adequately.


Organised by Sarah is a member of APDO UK (The Association of Professional Declutterers and Organisers) and abides by their Code of Ethics: https://www.apdo.co.uk/code-of-ethics/


You and I have the right to cancel the contract due to unforeseen circumstances. Travel charges or further expenses paid in advance, which I cannot obtain refunds for, are not refundable in any circumstances and will be invoiced to you at the time of cancellation. Cancelling within 24 hours will result in a charge of 50% of the session fee. Postponing, or for matters entirely out of your control, the charge may be waived at my discretion.

Hours of Work

You will be charged for hours actually worked. Time past the hours agreed will be charged at my hourly rate of £35 in 15 minute increments. So if we finish at 16:15, you may be charged an additional £8.75. While a booking will generally be made for a pre-agreed number of hours, it’s understood that it is not always possible to anticipate exactly how long will be needed due to the nature of the job.


If a session covers lunchtime, I’ll bring my own lunch with me, allowing for up to 30 minutes. You will not be charged for lunch breaks. For example, if the session is 10:00 – 16:00 and I take 30 minutes for lunch, we’ll finish at 16:30. We’ll need to break occasionally for a few minutes to hydrate and for you to pace yourself. These short breaks are included within the session time.

Limits of Work

I will do all I can to help you achieve the state of organisation and tidiness you desire. I’m very happy to help you with light cleaning, as appropriate during the session. I’m also happy to help you relocate items to more appropriate physical locations. However, I prefer not to attempt any heavy lifting or moving, for example, a washing machine or especially heavy furniture.

Removal of Items

Items to be removed by Organised by Sarah from your premises, either for disposal or to other locations including charity shops, must be at your own discretion. The disposal will not take place without your authorisation. Within all full day and half day packages, I can take up to 1 car boot load of charity items away with me after our session. I cannot take rubbish or recycling.

Photographs & Social Media

Organised by Sarah will take before and after pictures of each area we work in. This is for a number of reasons. For insurance purposes, to refer back to when planning for storage and most importantly, for you to see the difference in a photograph as well as in person. These photos are only ever seen by Organised by Sarah and kept in secure digital files. However, if you grant permission, I may ask to use some of these images for social media and/or the website. I will never do this without prior permission. I will never tag you or use locations, names or addresses in these posts. Neither will I use any images that could compromise your privacy to the general public, for example, the front of your house or images with family photographs in the background.

Deposits & Home Consultation

One hour home consultations are charged at my hourly rate of £35, payable at the time of booking. If you go on to book a package, this will be deducted from your session invoice, making the consultation free. Any time passed one hour, will be charged as standard. Organised by Sarah requires a deposit before confirming the first session and providing services. The standard deposit is 50% and is payable at the time of booking. Your deposit will be taken off the invoice amount, it is not an extra charge to you. However, all, or parts may be non refundable if cancelling within 24 hours.

Payment Terms

Charges for my services will be levied per hour. An invoice will be issued and is payable at completion of the assignment, by means of bank transfer using the bank details shown on the invoice. All charges shall be payable upon invoice as set out above. 

A signed contract is required prior to the start of any session, with no exceptions.